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Maliki file transfer investment to Europe today

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Maliki file transfer investment to Europe today Empty Maliki file transfer investment to Europe today

Post by Blackwater_usa Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:26 pm

المالكي ينقل ملف الاستثمار إلى أوروبا اليوم
Maliki file transfer investment to Europe today
جلسة استثنائية للبرلمان في حال التوصل إلى اتفاق مع واشنطن بشأن( صوفا)
Extraordinary session of Parliament in the event of an agreement with Washington on (Sofa)
بغداد - النجف - الصباح
Baghdad - Najaf - Al Sabah
يطلق رئيس الحكومة نوري المالكي، اليوم، دفعاً جديدا باتجاه تطوير العلاقات العراقية ـ الاوروبية في مختلف المجالات.جولة المالكي التي تبدأ اليوم وتشمل دول المانيا وايطاليا والفاتيكان ستسهم بتعزيز سياسة الانفتاح الدبلوماسي الذي يشهد منذ فترة انتعاشا غير مسبوق في تاريخ العراق، بعد الزيارات المتبادلة بين قادة البلاد وزعماء العالم.
Called Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, today, a new push towards the development of Iraqi European relations in various fields. Maliki tour which begins today and include States, Germany, Italy and the Vatican will contribute to the promotion policy of openness diplomat who witnessed since the recovery period is unprecedented in the history of Iraq, after the mutual visits between The country's leaders and the leaders of the world.
وتأتي هذه التحركات الدوولي صباح امس، معلنة عن افتتاح المطار رسميا.ونقلت مصادر صحفية ان رئيس الوزراء التقى خلال وجوده في مدينة النجف الاشرف المرجع الديني الاعلى السيد علي السيستاني، واستعرض لسماحته مراحل الاتفاقية الامنية مع الولايات المتحدة.
These moves come in line with expectations of the arrival of the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the American Barack Obama to Baghdad this morning, and the intention of Parliament held a special meeting during the legislative recess to vote on the cooperation agreement with Washington in the event that an agreement had been reached so, according to informed sources told "morning. He said Prime Minister during his inauguration of Najaf international airport yesterday, "The opening of the airport presented another message to the world that Iraq has regained the dignity of man and ended the stage of marginalization and cancellation, and the new Iraqi time, which is based on democracy, which is the country's Omar cards and competencies of its citizens. The plane had Maliki Landed in Najaf International Airport yesterday morning, announcing the opening of the airport official. It quoted press sources said the Prime Minister met during his stay in the holy city of Najaf highest religious authority, Mr. Ali al-Sistani, reviewed the stages of His Eminence Security Agreement with the United States.
واضاف رئيس الحكومة ان النجاحات السياسية والأمنية جعلت من العراق قبلة للوافدين والراغبكة بعمليات الاعمار والبناء، معلنا في الوقت نفسه إنشاء مطار دولي في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة، حيث ستشهد خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة توقيع عقد التشييد.
The prime minister added that the successes of the political and security of Iraq made him arrivals and those who wish to contribute to building and reconstruction of the country, reiterated his call for all investors to participate in reconstruction operations, announcing at the same time establishing an international airport in the province of Karbala, holy, would see in the next few days, a contract for construction .
وضمن مساعي تطوير العلاقات مع دول العالم، كشفت مصادر مقربة، عزم رئيس الوزراء توقيع اتفاقيات تعاون ثنالعراق والمنطقة مع قادب، االتعاروتوكول الامني الملحق فان رئيس الوزارء سيأتي بالاتفاقية والبروتوكول الى البرلمان لشرح ابعادها والتصويت عليها.
Within the development of good relations with world countries, close sources revealed, the determination of the Prime Minister signed bilateral cooperation agreements during his visit which begins today, European, and urged these countries to invest in the country. The sources told "Assabah" Mr. al-Maliki will visit Germany, Italy and the Vatican during his new , Pointing out that he will be extensive talks with German Adviser Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pope Benedict XVI in a similar context, informed sources expected to visit Baghdad today, the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the American Barack Obama, is the first to visit him. The sources said the Special permit for "Sabah" that Obama would discuss the situation in Iraq and the region with leaders of the country, pointing to the President and Cabinet discuss with the Democratic candidate U.S. policy in Iraq and the future of his country's troops. Meanwhile, Abbas Al-Bayati said the coalition deputy member of the Committee on Security and Defence House of Representatives, the Iraqi and American governments if they had reached an agreement framework cooperation in various fields and to agree on the security protocol to the Prime Minister, the Convention and Protocol will come to parliament to explain the dimensions and vote.
وقال البياتي: انه في حال تمتع اعضاء البرلمان بالعطلة الدستورية فان باستطاعة هيئة رئاسة المجلس ان تدعو الى اجتماع استثنائي لمناقشة الاتفاقية في حال تم التوصل الى اتفاق خلال فترة العطلة، لافتا الى انه من حق رئيسي الجمهورية والوزراء طلب عقد اجتماع استثنائي بذلك.
Al-Bayati said: that in the event that members of Parliament holiday, the constitutional authority of the presidency able to call for an extraordinary meeting to discuss the convention in case an agreement was reached during the holiday period, pointing out that it was right to the President and Cabinet requested a special meeting so.
في تلك الاثناء اقترحت المفوضية العليا المستقل، والاول المقبل).
In the meantime proposed Independent Higher Commission of Elections, postponed provincial council elections to mid-December next, to time constraints, lack of possibilities to take place at the set time (the first of October next).
وبالرغم من الترجيحات بحسم قانون انتخابات المحافظات، الا ان القيادي في الائتلاف الموحد حسن السنيد استبعد ادراج القانون ضمن جدول اعمال جلسة البرلمان اليوم.وقال السنيد لـ(الصباح) انصل الى مادة قانونية مقبولة من قبل الجميع.
Although weights decisively provincial election law, but the leadership of the coalition consolidated Hassan Al-Sunaid ruled out the inclusion of law within the agenda for the meeting of parliament today. He told Al-Sunaid (morning) that as of yesterday evening did not reach the parliamentary blocs to an agreement on the law, stating: there is no There is no agreed to reach an acceptable rule of law by all.

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